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Dr. Nammy Patel

Featured ForbesBooks author
Dr. Nammy Patel headshot

Passionate about serving her patients’ health while running her dental practice in an environmentally-conscious way.

Nammy Patel, DDS inspires total wellness through her holistic and functional dentistry practice, Green Dentistry, in San Francisco, and is the ForbesBooks author of the book Age With Style. Dr. Nammy is passionate about providing exceptional dental care to her patients in her spa-like facilities, while also helping conserve the environment.

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Age With Style

Your Guide to a Youthful Smile and Healthy Living

Avaliable on Amazon
Dr. Nammy Patel's Age With Style Book Cover

Exploring the connection between oral health and total wellness, Dr. Nammy provides her perspective as a successful holistic dentist.

Holistic dentistry is an approach to dental care that looks at the patient as a whole person and seeks to address the root causes of problems, rather than treat the symptoms alone. This approach recognizes that the health of your teeth and gums can have a big impact on heart health, immune system, and even longevity. It also recognizes that many things beyond brushing and flossing affect the health of your teeth and gums, such as prescription medications, hormones, exercise, nutrition, and stress.

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